Official blog launch!

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I'm so very happy to announce that we have updated our website with a blog, which gives us another way to tell the world more about who Bit Quill is. This is significant because as a company, we have always been about people and about great technology, but it has been difficult for the wider world to know because our online presence has been limited.
People are what make us different. We've always been developer run, with almost everyone at the company having a background in development. That means that everyone you talk to will happily dive into code with you, help you debug that troublesome issue, or throw around architectural ideas for the next project. We've always focussed on building relationships with one another, and owning up to what we do (both the good and the bad). And, we've always had strong core values of teamwork, relationships, excellence, and ethics. If you're interested in knowing more, you can dig deeper into who we are on our About Us page.

I'd like to add that we're also all more than just a set of technical skills. We know our stuff, and a lot of cutting edge technology at that, but it's always been about more with our teams and what we can do. Bit Quill has always focused on doing software differently, from how we form teams that are best suited to take on projects, how we manage those teams, and how we deliver - not just on project outcomes, but also advice and expertise - and take things to the next level. If there's a data related technology, odds are that not only have we heard of it, we've probably worked on it. If you're interested, you should reach out to learn more about our services.
~ Kyle Porter

What does Bit Quill do?